Send a notice and get agreement from any party online

Designed for companies and entities to gain acceptance of terms from any party and storing it in the cloud. .

Made For Administrators

From the Smallest Company to the Largest Enterprise

Building Manager
Are you a managing agent of a property portfolio, or a trustee of a building?

Do you manage a school or run a day care falcility?

Do you deal with 3rd Party Suppliers to order parts?

Are you managing patient communications for repeat scripts?

How do I sign up?

It is as easy as "3.14..."

Select the Plan that suits your business and simply complete your Details as the Administrator as well as your Company Details

230 Day FREE Trial

20 days after registering you will receive a Tax Invoice via Email including your Company Details, you will have 10 days to make payment, upon receipt of payment your Profile will have an active subscription.


You are ready to create agreements online. Send to an individual, a company - single or bulk send. Simple consent that is logged online or actual signatures. Access to all documents that were created and when which party agreed or signed.

Get an Automatic Audit Trial

Rid yourself of printing, scanning & relying on Email on employee machines. Stop using popular "off-the-shelf" document storage platforms as a work-around - is tailored to facilitate agreements and acknowledgement of notices. We make it super easy to setup your profile, allowing you to quickly start sending notices or reaching agreement between parties.